Thursday, February 16, 2012

A brief glimpse

So, what's in my collection? Follow up question: where do I begin? It started with the Beatles and classic rock albums my uncle left to me. Then a roommate of mine decided to backpack across the North American continent and left his eclectic and eccentric collection behind, eventually bequeathing it to me. (I mean, when you're trying to travel light, vinyl doesn't pack well). So now I'm up to over 500 albums and that doesn't include the untold 45s and 78s I've picked up over the years as well. A better place to begin is telling you what I like to collect the most. When I'm at that hole-in-the-wall thrift store or antique shop - what is it I can't leave behind? The musty smell of aged cardboard jackets and paper sleeves... The improperly stored stacks of hard pressed plastic... My favorite pieces belong to the era of Big Band. I love swing music - but rarely hear it without the hiss, pop, and crackle that only vinyl can give. Most of my big band collection is made up of Glenn Miller albums. I love Glenn Miller, Bill Black, Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington and all the others. Those who know me may not even realize this about me. My most prized swing piece is actually a multiple album set on 78s called "A Symposium Of Swing". In order to maintain its near mint condition, I've only listened to it a time or two. But since I've recently acquired a USB drive turntable and an external hard drive, I plan to play each album just once more to record it into the digital age. (pics to follow in case anyone cares to have a visual...)

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